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Showing posts from January, 2016

Commanded Love

My viewpoint (Commanded love) Like Mahatma, my heart is mine. I owe no apologies. I eat, live, and avoid wine, Because it's one of my allergies. It's difficult to project feelings, I wonder why. Should it be as it currently is?

Exodus' Template

My viewpoint (Exodus' template) Out of the blues we've parted ways with our former self. Though our pasts haunt us, we still have our own arms to hold. We encourage ourselves with the hope of a land flowing with milk and honey. With this one hope, we set sail for the desert. Having no regard for danger nor death. Upon our fears, we thrive and survive--- And our weights dictate the pace of fate. We satisfy ourselves with manna from above. Our efforts are limitless with strength from above. On this journey of fate, We refuse to be enslaved by our thoughts. We refuse to be pressured by our fears. We refuse to be threatened by those who know us. We march on We press on We push on. We stand tall We don't fall Our strength faileth not. We teach ourselves to stand in times of oppression. We speak for ourselves and no other-against our suppression. We endure to the end. Like I said, Exodus' template. Dheric da poet™

Empty Thoughts

My viewpoint (Empty thoughts) The blue sky collided with the brown earth as the tear of the child in my thoughts saw daylight. Science will call it labor. But I call it the relief of the mind. But at this point that the mind knows no friends, what will be its plight? What will be its name? What will be its mission? It's miscarried months have left an indelible mark on our hearts. Empty thoughts, They were anticipated. Their loss was facilitated By that which the cunning foes initiated. My mind has been made vague by it's own. Vague... Empty... Thoughts... Dheric da poet™